Wacky Weasling by Jasmine

Wacky Weasling by Jasmine



On the 19th of March the Y5’s went to Hollowford as a residential. During this time we toke part in many activities, but my favourite was the Ropes Course and Bouldering – yet I’ll only write aWbout bouldering because thats where thats where I enjoyed having the most giggle!



On the 2nd day during our resedential, group 1 and group 2 did bouldering. While we were there we completed many challengers like squeezing through holes in between rocks. As well as that, we also did a challenge – who could hold onto the end of a rock the longest!

Bizzarly, Isabella won by holding onto the rock for the longest by about 30 secounds! Whereas Mark only held onto the rock for 17 secounds! How long would you hold onto it for?


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