Each week school receives an email sent on behalf of Andrew Jones, Director of Education and Skills .
This information guides and informs us in the decisions we make around policies and procedures around school. As I mentioned last week we have already booked the Y5/6 and Y6 residential and a Y4 day out to the Oakes. The PTA
are keen to organise a summer fair and we would like to arrange our Sports Day. This is what Andrew Jones noted in this weeks email:
Whilst lockdown continues to ease, and many of us are enjoying our increased freedoms outside of education, there
are questions that arise for how we then work in school, especially as the summer term is historically full of activities governed by a traditional school calendar. We continue to be guided by both the DFE and our Public Health Team, and we will provide some further guidance in subsequent bulletins about how you will need to navigate this. I will keep you informed of any updates and provisional adapted plans for our summer activities continue to go ahead, with thanks for your patience and understanding.
Mrs Goodchild