Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success – OECD 2002
As a school we are dedicated to ensuring that every child at St Wilfrid’s will learn to read confidently, fluently and for enjoyment.
As a school committed to reading for pleasure we follow RFP pedagogy and ensure that this is embedded throughout school.
RFP pedagogy:
- Social reading environments
- Reading aloud
- Informal book talk, inside text talk and recommendations
- Independent reading time
Staff are committed to keeping their knowledge of children’s literature up to date and current in order to ensure that they can make informed recommendations to the children in their care. Adults in school make it a priority to get to know the preferences and reading habits of all the children in their class. We recognise the importance of inspiring all children to read through carefully sourced children’s literature e.g picture books, graphic novels, comics and newspapers and children’s novels.