Our mission statement is:
‘Everyone Matters’
‘As a Catholic school, we have a duty to enable every child to achieve their full potential as a human being. This encompasses every dimension of the child: spiritual, moral, social, academic, physical and artistic. We have the highest academic expectations, and alongside this, teach our children to be good citizens of the world who care for others and have high expectations of themselves. Our aim is that children will leave St Wilfrid’s and go on to enrich society through a positive contribution to their community and beyond. We want them to become life-long learners with an openness to learn from others. We are an inclusive school. We believe that knowledge and critical thinking empowers and enables children to feel and be successful, and that this is the entitlement of every child.’
As staff in a Catholic school, we understand the privilege and responsibility of our role. We aim:
- To put God’s message of love at the centre of all we do.
- To assist parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in the education and religious formation of their children.
- To be at the service of the local Church – the diocese, the parish and the Christian home.
- To be “a service to society”. In Catholic schools, ethnic and racial diversity finds unity in a common religious faith and produces the shared core human values which contribute to authentic social cohesion.