Summer Term Reception

Summer Term Reception

Welcome back to our final term in Reception. It is amazing how quickly we have reached this point in the year.I hope you all enjoyed the Easter break and that the children are refreshed and ready for the term ahead.

We are fortunate this term to be joined by a student teacher, Miss Johnson. The children have already met her as she spent some time in the classroom before Easter. She is very enthusiastic about her time with us and I am sure the children will benefit from her teaching.

Our overriding topic this term is New Life and much of our learning will take place around this. In our KUW the children are going to be looking at plants and growing and developing our outside area. We have grand plans to grow our own tomatoes, strawberries , cress etc so fingers crossed we get some good weather and green fingers!. We will then be moving on to looking at habitats and mini beasts. Always a favourite with children of this age. We will be making full use of our school grounds and time will be spent exploring our woodland area and pond site.

This also links nicely with our RE work. Will be continuing with the Easter story, finding out what happens after Jesus rose again and how this affected the people close to him. We will be exploring the idea of new life and what makes us happy and exploring the changes that are happening around us outside.

In our Literacy the children will continue to work on their knowledge of sounds through our daily  RWI phonic sessions. Please ask your children about the sounds they have been learning so that they can show you at home how clever they are! The children should be able to spot these letter combinations in words all around them at home or when out and about. This will help reinforce the learning that is happening in school. Please also continue to hear your children read regularly at home. Ideally this should be every night but need only take 10 minutes. Little and often makes a huge difference.We will also be further developing the children’s skills in writing and encouraging them to write at every opportunity whether it be through focused teaching sessions or when exploring bugs in the outside area during continuous provision. This is also something that can be encouraged at home by simply having paper and pencils around whilst your child plays they will then automatically begin to jot things down and record.

In our number work the children will be reinforcing their recognition, formation, counting, ordering skills. Working with numbers to 10,20 and 100. They will continue to develop their adding and subtracting and begin to relate this to simple problem solving situations. Will will be looking at patterns in numbers and continuing to learn to count in 2’s,5’s and 10’s.

As the weather is improving some of our PE sessions will take place outside so please can you make sure that as well as providing your child with a PE kit they also have a pair of trainers/plimsoles to wear outside.

I am very much looking forward to the term ahead and all the lovely learning opportunities it has in store for us.

Thank you for your continued support

Ms Mckerrow



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