Welcome back. We hope you had a lovely summer break.We are looking forward to working with your children this year.
These are the subjects we will be looking at this term.
Literacy – Recount writing, letters, newspaper reports, diaries, biographies.
Numeracy – Fractions, decimals, percentages. Please ensure your children have a good working knowledge of multiplication tables.
Science – Keeping healthy then the life cycle of a plant.
RE – Ourselves
Topic – Vikings (from Week 4) We will be going to Jorvik on the 4th October. Details to follow.
Art – People in action
ICT – Social networking and programing
PE – Thursday is games and Friday is Gym/Dance. Please ensure your child had the correct PE kit in school on these days.
Homework is sent out on a regular basis. Maths is usually Wednesdayand is to be handed in the following Monday. Guided reading is given each week. The children have a designated guided reading day. There will also be additional pieces given each week. See the board on the back of the classroom door for details.
You are most welcome to come and talk to us after school if you need to.
Mrs Clements & Mrs Pearson