Dear parents,
Here is an overview of what we will be covering this half term.
Our topic is ‘Called to Change’. We will look at how Jesus helped people to change their behaviour and we will look at how we can make changes. We will discuss forgiveness and reconciliation. Our class assembly will be on Friday 1st March.
Our first topic is Myths and Legends. We will look at different legends and we will identify key features of the texts. We will retell these stories and we will eventually create our own legend stories.
Throughout the term there will be specific lessons to teach grammar and punctuation. The children will be taught to write different types of sentences and some of the children will begin to add clauses to different parts of a sentence. We will look at how to write a ‘perfect paragraph’ and the children will be encouraged these skills to all their writing tasks.
There will be a huge focus on spelling this term. The children have already been assessed on their ability to spell common usage words and we will practise spelling these words in the context of sentences. We will continue to teach spellings by grouping them into spelling patterns associated with different phonemes.
Hopefully I will be awarding more pen licenses this term.
We will continue to follow the National Numeracy Strategy. The main focus will be on calculations and applying skills to solving one and two step number problems. The children will be introduced to more formal ways of recording appropriately for their individual level of ability. The children will complete regular written assessments and we will discuss the questions the children find difficult to answer. If you would like a copy of one of these tests to see what we are covering I will be happy to send one home with your child.
There will be a focus on telling the time this term. Please encourage your child to look at the clock frequently at home and read the time with them.
I have arranged for ‘Explore Learning’ to visit school on 21st March to deliver a session including a range of maths games to improve speed of calculation.
We will be using a website to create our own Myths and Legends. These will include pictures, speech bubbles and story texts. We will use a creative site to create our own Mythical beast.
In science we will use simulations to help with science investigations and we will record data using data bases.
We will use the website to research information about various topics including Fairtrade.
The topic this term is coasts. We will look at features of the coast and we will make some comparisons with Sheffield. We will look at problems associated with living at the coast including tsunamis.
The topic this term is ‘Pattern’. This topic will be taught by Mrs Corcoran.
The topic this term is ‘Party Hats’. We are hoping to have an Easter bonnet parade at the end of the term. This would be a good opportunity to invite you to school to share the good work your children will have produced this term. I will let you have more information nearer the time.
If you have any questions about the curriculum for this term please do ask me. Also, if you have any resources or skills that you would like to share with us please let me know.
Anne Furniss