

I will post one set of homework each week for the children in year one on here and will hopefully get into the routine of posting it on a Friday. Here is your child’s first piece, even though it is not Friday! Please do see me if you have any problems with accessing the tasks, or need resources. I may post a little bit of something for the children in Reception in addition to the year one work. Some parents may feel their child would like to have a go at the year one work verbally or with you. That is fine, but may not always be appropriate. I will leave that up to you. I would also appreciate your feedback about how you feel the homework is going. Many thanks for your support.

Year One



If your child is finding the addition tricky you could give them a number line. Children should aim for quicker recall using their heads and fingers for support if needed.

You could extend this activity by changing the total you must make. You could also question your child by asking them the following:

How many tens does the number have?

How many units does the number have?

Can you draw the number by showing the sticks of ten and the units?

Which number is bigger/smaller? How do you know?


Keep practising letter and number formation.

The children in reception are working on reading, writing and ordering number 11-20, so you could continue this at home. An extension of this would be to give your child three or four random numbers to 20 to order. You could also ask them what is one more/less.




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