Dear Parents,
Thank you to those parents that have already made me feel so welcome in the last few weeks. I apologise for the delay in giving you this half terms information as I needed a new class blog to be set up!
In R.E. we are studying ‘People’, where we will be thinking about the family of God in scripture. Children began this topic by thinking about their own family trees and I am grateful to those parents who provided information on this. It was very interesting to learn more about the children’s own families.
In our Literacy/ Topic work we are looking at the Great Sheffield flood (1864).We will be exploring what caused the flood, who was effected and the aftermath. Then presenting this information in a number of different forms, for example, the children have been writing a newspaper article on the events of the flood. We will also be linking it in with our ICT work.
In maths we will be following the new curriculum which places a big emphasis on number facts and times tables. To make sure that your child is secure on their times tables I shall be setting them a different one each week to be tested on at the end of the week. If you could help with this practice it would be greatly appreciated.
In Science our topic for this half term is ‘movement and growth’ and we have started off by exploring why we have a skeleton and naming common bones.
P.E. this term will be Gym/Dance on Monday mornings with a PE specialist and then swimming with Mr Brelsford on Wednesday mornings. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit for both. Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help with the swimming; a rota will be available shortly to let you know which weeks you will be needed.
Music and Art will be led by Mrs Glossop on Tuesday afternoons. This half term they are looking at the artist Andy Goldsworthy and I look forward to seeing their own interpretations at the end of the topic.
Homework will be set once a week along with weekly spelling and times table practice. Your support with this would be greatly welcomed.
Finally, if you have any queries or concerns please do come and see me. After school is usually the best time as mornings are usually spent setting up for the day. I would be happy to set up an appointment with you.
Yours sincerely,
Rebecca Locke