Chaplaincy Team

Chaplaincy Team

The chaplaincy team is made up of two children from every class (Y2 upwards).  We also have a number of parents who have joined us and offer us support and encouragement.


The Chaplaincy Team meet every week to share ideas and prepare opportunities to enhance the prayer and spiritual life of the school. They listen and respond to the voices’ of their peers, discuss and develop ideas collaboratively, and launch whole school initiatives. They work together to plan and deliver a weekly prayer club and celebrations of the word across the whole school.  The older Chaplains support the younger children and provide prayer opportunities for the Reception and Year 1 classes.

The Chaplaincy Team are able to express their views and be a voice for pupils across the school. In meetings, the children are actively asked for their opinions and thoughts. They also have a responsibility to listen and respond to the voices and opinions of others, even if those differ to their own.  They participate in group discussions, contribute suggestions, ways and opportunities for further spiritual development across the school. This may be around which charities to support at specific times of the year, ideas for a whole school display or how to develop spirituality further in the classroom. Members of the team will then willingly take on leadership roles to deliver this change, with the support of adults.

The Chaplaincy Team Aims to:

  • Help the school to grow as a community of faith
  • Actively participate to significantly enhance the Catholic life and mission of the school
  • Encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living
  • Support liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
  • Support the school and pupils to live out the School Mission Statement
  • Promote and involve pupils in fundraising for local, national and global charities
  • Take a leading role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching Principles
  • Be the voice of change

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