Emma Reynolds, World Book Day, Thursday 6th March,

Emma Reynolds, World Book Day, Thursday 6th March,

World Book Day is Thursday 6th March. This year’s theme is ‘Read Your Way.’ Children can come to school dressed in clothes suitable for a comfortable reading time, such as leggings, joggers, onesies etc.

We are excited to have author Emma Reynolds in school for the day. She will lead an assembly, then work with smaller groups for draw-alongs and comic making. We would appreciate a contribution of £2.20 per child to cover the cost of this. If your child would like to buy one of her books, you can do this via Parentpay, and then Emma will give your child a signed copy. Her KS1 book is Amara and the Bats. Her book for KS2 is Drawn to Change the World.

Our Reading Champions have organised a Book Swap too. Children are invited to bring in one or two books to swap during the day. We will have separate KS1 and KS2 swaps, and the swapping will be guided by staff and Reading Champions.

Parents are invited to join us in classrooms from 2.50pm to share books and find out about our exciting day.

Finally, the whole day is about celebrating books. It would be great if everyone (children and staff) brought in their favourite book from home to share with the class.

Thanks for your support.


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