Homework 25.1.12

Homework 25.1.12

Thank you to those who have given me feedback on the homework so far. It is useful. 🙂

Year Ones

Maths – This week some children have been focusing on number bonds to ten. Here is a good game to support the work they have been doing in school. They will need a dice though. Encourage them to keep practising until they have quick recall, for example if you say 6 they should say four as quick as they can.

bingo bonds to 10

We have also been concentrating on subtraction, but by counting up and looking at the difference. We have discussed why this is easier and the children need to understand that it is because the numbers are of similar size and are near each other on a 100 square. The children need to start on the smallest number and count up. Examples of this would be 87 – 83= 4. After you have done some maybe they could have a go at generating their own to show they understand.

Literacy – science electricity instructions

All children

We have been using Logo on purple mash to look at direction and instructions and control.

Reception have been looking at simple subtraction using objects and number lines. I have been reinforcing language such as smaller, less, counting back, take away, equals, total and answer. This van either be done practically, or recorded if your child is ready. 8-3=, 9-2=, 10-6= etc.


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