As a Catholic school, our aim is that every child achieves their full potential as an individual made in the image and likeness of God. This encompasses every dimension of the child: spiritual, moral, social, academic, physical and artistic. Our vision is that our children will learn to be good citizens of the world, enriching society through a positive contribution to their community and beyond. Our curriculum is the vehicle through which we support and nurture children to achieve this potential. We believe that knowledge empowers and enables children to feel and be successful, and that this is the entitlement of every child.
We intend a religious education that covers all aspects of Catholic education and introduces children to other faiths.
RE Curriculum Rationale
Branch 3 – Galilee to Jerusalem
EYFS Medium Term Plan
Y1 Medium Term Plan
Y2 Medium Term Plan
Y3 Medium Term Plan
Y4 Medium Term Plan
Y5 Medium Term Plan
Y6 Medium Term Plan
RE Catholic Life – St Wilfrid’s Handbook