Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 6th Feb

Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 6th Feb

Safer Internet Day (SID) is on Tuesday 6th February 2018

The theme for this year is  “Create, Connect and Share Respect: A better internet starts with you”

Please go to following site for more information:

The Safer Internet Films for children are below for this year:

Year 3 – 7

Years 7 -11

In 2017:

SmartieKey Stage 1
Children looked at what to do if they found scary images or videos on the internet by following a story about Smartie Penguin.

There are lots of different types of pictures or videos online, and lots of ways to look at them.
We looked at what sites they would use to watch their favourite show online, or to search for photos
of their favourite band or singer.

Mrs Sadler introduced the children to Smartie. Smartie is just like all of us, he
loves going online, and playing games and looking for pictures. Sometimes, Smartie is not
always sure what to do if something happens online that worries or upsets him. We read the story  to help Smartie make some good choices online?

Key Stage 2
DID 1 DID 2Children explored how photos shared online can potentially stay there forever and may reach a wider audience than they intended. They will consider how photos create an impression of their character and personality (online reputation) and will use this knowledge to develop a strategy to help them decide if a photo/image is okay to share online or not. These included images Mrs Sadler brought in an old photo album of herself and images children have shared online.


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