St Wilfrid’s School is an academy and has charitable status. The Governors aim to establish a close relationship with our parents. Please see the Governors’ notice board in the foyer for pictures of our Governors.
Chair of Governors: Mrs S O’Shea (Foundation Governor)
Contact Via School: 0114 2365529
Foundation Governor: M Astill
Foundation Governor: M Corcoran
Foundation Governor: D Fenoughty
Foundation Governor: Dr H Prosser
Foundation Governor: P Teahan
Foundation Governor: K Rowell
Foundation Governor: M Winder
Foundation Governor: T Wood (Vice Chair Governor)
Parent Governor: R Griffiths
Parent Governor: A Khalil Khan
Staff in Attendance: D Evans (Head Teacher)
Staff in Attendance: C Goodchild (Deputy Head Teacher)
Contacting the Governors
The Governors may be contacted via the school office. We welcome your comments and your involvement with our Governing body.
We hope that you will be very happy with your child’s education. If, however, you have cause for complaint please contact the class teacher in the first instance. If you still have concerns these should be brought to the attention of the Headteacher and subsequently the Chair of Governors.
Register of Governors
Register of Governors 2022-2023
Governors Record of Attendance
Governors Attendance 2020 – 21
Governors Register of Interests
Directors + SLT Register of Interests Sept 20