Class Topics

Class Topics

This half term our topic will be The Olympics!

We will be having mini olympic events in class and looking at the countries participating in the games. We will be collecting data about the medals won – come on Team GB! and also collecting data about the weather and making some ‘devices’ to measure the weather. Any weather forecasts cut from the paper would be well recieved and we may start asking for empty pop bottles soon! We will be thinking about the climates in some of these other countries and the clothes we may need if we visited. We will be making graphs and charts on the computers and asking questions about the information we have collected.

In Science our topic will be `Ourselves`. We will be thinking about what we can do to be healthy and will link this to exercise and the Olympics. We will also be thinking about healthy eating and designing a healthy lunch box for an athlete. The children will be making healthy fruit kebabs in Design and Technology, so if there are any fruits you would not like your child to try please let us know. Otherwise we will try and encourage children to give them a try. We will also be thinking about the countries these fruits come from. If you would like to come in and help with the kebabs please let us know. We will be making them on a Friday afternoon, so ask for more details.


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