Homework 13.10.2012

Homework 13.10.2012

I am sorry that this is late children. I tried to put it on yesterday but I couldn’t get access to our website.

Talk homework

Ask your parents if they can remember any playground rhymes and songs. They could be skipping rhymes, clapping rhymes or rhymes for any other game. Try to learn one to share with your friends at playtime.


Please make sure you read your reading book this weekend. Bring it back to school as soon as you have finished it so that you can choose a new one.


Next week we are going to be looking at 2d shapes.

Look at the drawing attached. How many different rectangles can you see? Can you work in an organised way to count them all? Rectangles homework

If you can’t see the diagram I will print one out for you on Tuesday.


I was really pleased when I read the recounts of our trip. Well done everyone! House points and stickers for everyone on Tuesday!



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