Homework 1st March

Homework 1st March

Thank you for your support this morning. The children have all written a report about the assembly,so please call in to read it if you have any time next week.


This term we are learning about electricity. The children had the opportunity to research information on the following sites this week:



Please talk to your children about some of the information on the sites. Next week we will try to draw some circuits which the children have made in class.  Please ask your child to look carefully at the symbols used to represent the various items on a circuit.


Your child has brought a large list of words to learn. The instructions are on the sheet. Please encourage your child to select a word to learn and to look carefully at the part of the word they are likely to make a mistake with eg words ending in ful only have one l. Ask them to cover the word and then write it. They then need to check each letter carefully to make sure the spelling is correct.


Next week we are having a ‘book swap’ in class. The children have been asked to  bring a book to school which they no longer want. They will then be able to swap the book with one brought by another child. I will do my best to make sure all the children find a book they are happy with. If more than one child chooses a particular book,  I will use the lollipop system we use in class to select a child at random. We will collect the books from Monday and we will organise the swap on Thursday.


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