Sorry for the delay. I was unable to access this website yesterday.
This week we have been talking about how to write our own story in the style of a legend. The children made suggestions about possible settings, problems, characters etc and they shared their ideas. They have all made choices for their own story and they have started to plan their story. They have brought their story home this weekend (hopefully!). Please encourage your child to talk about their story and encourage them to provide you with several details about it.
The children will write their stories on Monday. When I mark the work I will look for time words to structure the story, adjectives to add details for the reader and some use of speech. Please encourage your child to add these features as they tell the story to you.
Your child has a list of words we have been looking at this week. Please encourage your child to find other words written with the same spelling pattern. In case your child does not have their list, these are the graphemes we have been working on:
oo, ew, ue, u_e
ou, u
This weekend is Big Garden Birdwatch. I have given your child a sheet to complete at some point over the weekend by observing birds in your garden. If you would like your child to complete the survey properly, and submit the results, please see further details on this website.
As the survey is supposed to last for one hour I understand that it might not be possible to complete it accurately for the official data collection, but it would be a good opportunity for your child to identify the birds which do visit your garden.