Homework 5.05.12

Homework 5.05.12

Hello everyone,

I still haven’t finished marking the wonderful stories you wrote on Friday but I am really enjoying reading them. I am very pleased with you all and I would like you to ask your mums and dads if they would like to come in to school to read your  stories some time.

I have spotted quite a few spelling errors so here are some for you to work on this week. They are tricky because they are words which sound the same but are spelt in different ways. Write a sentence for each spelling and make sure you choose the correct word to add to your sentence.

here, hear                too, to, two             where, were          there, their


Take a look at the books you have at home and choose one you really enjoy reading. Have you read any other books by the same author? Please bring your book to school next week. I would like you to be able to explain why you particularly like the book and why you think the author is a good writer.

I hope you all have  a good day on Monday.


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