Homework 8.3.13

Homework 8.3.13

Maths – Yr1 – We are currently working on data handling in maths and ICT. The children have been taught how to produce graphs in 2count in Purple Mash. Allow your child to pick a category and collect some data within the family. They must then produce a pictogram showing the results. As an extension you could question your child about what the graph shows. What is the most popular? How many people picked …?.

Literacy – Spellings – I have sent home a copy of this weeks spellings.

Red Nose Day fundraising – Next week our class have been asked to donate buns for a bun sale on Tuesday 12th March. It would be great if you could contribute, but please do not feel you have too. We also have a slot for the children to throw wet sponges at Mr Scott on Friday 15th March. If your child wants to participate they will need to being in 50p per throw.


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