Maths homework 26/11

Maths homework 26/11

After a successful week of doubling and halving we need to maintain that momentum!

Please support your child by practising doubling and halving at their level.

Firstly practise doubling fingers to 5 then try doubles upto 10. We are aiming for mental recall of doubles and halves eventually. Then see if the can halve numbers to 10 using fingers.

If your child is confident and able to do this then practise doubling larger numbers. Do they use place value methods? Doubling tens first then units?

Are they able to halve practically? Give them a set of objects, we have begun with even, and ask them if they can split the objects into 2 equal sets.

We have been making the connection that doubling is addition and halving is subtraction, but this may still be very abstract for your child. Always work at their level.

Thank you again for your support.


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