Dear Parents,
Use the 100 sq attached.
Again it is more the discussion with your child that gets the best maths from this activity.
Ask the children – can they find a 2 digit number that when they add up the digits the total is 10? For example 54 is 5+4=9; 76 is 7+6 = 13
Can they find the the number bond to 10 2 digit numbers? (This is applying all of the work we have done on number bonds). A starting point might be to ask what number bonds to 10 they know and ask what 2 digit number that could be then find that.
Is there a pattern on the 100 sq when they have found some of the 2 digit numbers? Maybe they could colour the numbers in.
Further work – what if they were looking for a total of 8? Is there a pattern now?
HOMEWORK-half term bonds digits pdf
HOMEWORK-half term bonds digits
Thank you