Welcome back to school, we hope you have enjoyed your Easter holiday and are now back into the swing of school life. To keep you informed, the work the children will be covering this term is set out below. An important date for the diary is Friday 11th May at 9am when the children will be performing our class assembly for the school and we hope parents will be able to come and watch too.
Religious Education Our topic this half term is The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus, and the feast of Pentecost. After half term we will be learning about Jesus’ Miracles.
Mathematics will be taught everyday with the topics being taught in blocks set out in the Primary Framework. This unit covers place value, ordering numbers and recognising the relationship between addition and subtraction. The children will use and apply the mathematical concepts taught to solve problems. We will be revisiting length, capacity, time and handling data. Links will be made with science where possible.
Literacy will also be taught each day through the Read Write Inc programme. The children will have a daily phonics/spelling session followed by a lesson which develops reading comprehension and writing skills. We will be continuing to focus on handwriting developing a joined cursive script.
Design Technology. The children will investigate and make various types of puppets including shadow puppets, finger puppets and hand puppets.
Music. The children will be given opportunities to explore the different sounds that can be made from a selection of instruments. They will compose short pieces with attention to duration and tempo. They will also explore music from different cultures specifically Aboriginal to link with our Australia topic.
Science. For the first half term, we will be looking at Ourselves. The chn name body parts and collect data about themselves to present as a pictogram. They will explore the differences between living and things that have never been alive. Then find out what plants & animals need to stay alive and how all baby animals grow to become adults. In the second part of the term we will investigate life cycles of plants and animals.
History Our topic is about seaside holidays in the past. To support the learning in school, the children will be asked to interview elderly family members and friends about their holidays in the past.
Art. Our main topic for this term is art from other cultures. The children will develop skills to produce Aboriginal style art. We will also be following the theme and the children will paint a tile which will be fired at ‘Fired Art’. More information about this project will follow shortly.
Geography. Our topic for this half term is Australia where we will look at the similarities and differences in different aspects of our lives and environment.
P.E. will be on Wednesdays and Thursday. Please provide the children with shorts and a t-shirt, plimsolls or trainers and a jumper and track suit trousers for outdoor lessons. As part of Health and Safety Regulations children are asked not to wear jewellery during P.E. We will be learning an Olympic themed dance as part of ‘The Big Dance Project’ which will take place on Friday 18th May.
I.C.T. We are aiming to integrate ICT into all the curriculum areas. The children have access to computers, the interactive whiteboard, bee-bots, netbooks and digital cameras. ICT will also be taught discretely. The topic for this half term is Animation and the children will be producing their own short animation film based on The Hungry Caterpillar. Next half term the topic is Presenting information where the children will apply skills to present their findings from their internet based research linked to Australia. We will focus on the E-Safety rules when using the internet.
PSHE/SEAL. The topics for this term are Relationships and Change. Further links will also be made with the R.E. topics.
Finally, if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see us.
Mrs Coles and Mrs Goodchild