Dear Parents
We can’t believe that we are on our final term together as a class and that this is Y6’s last term at St Wilfrid’s! There are lots of things to look forward to, including Hollowford and Blencathra! The curriculum the children will be covering this term is set out below.
Religious Education – This term, our first topic “Witnesses’ focuses on Pentecost and spreading the Easter message. We will then learn about the Sacrament of the sick in the topic ‘Healing’.
Geography – Our main topic for the term is the study of a contrasting locality: Castleton
Mathematics will be taught everyday. The topics will be taught in the blocks set out in the Primary Framework. We will be focussing on solving a variety of word problems and mathematical challenges in different topic areas.
Literacy will also be taught each day, covering the blocks of work outlines in the National Strategy. We have begun by studying and writing plays and are going on to writing stories in the style of a familiar author, e.g. Michael Morpurgo. We will be looking at instructional writing and narrative poems later in the term.
Science – Our topic for the term is ‘Materials’. This will cover the three states of materials and how we can change these. We will be looking at mixing and separating materials and how we permanently change some materials by mixing them together. We will be visiting Notre Dame next half term – more details nearer the time. Y6 are carrying out their own project about living things in our woods. They will be making information boards to support learning for the younger children in school for years to come.
Art/DT – We will be creating and designing puppets and producing a puppet show. In addition the children will enter their art work in the Take One Picture exhibition .
P.E. this term will be Striking and fielding games on Thursday and Gymnastics on Fridays. Please make sure your child has the correct P.E. kit, shorts and a t-shirt and suitable outdoor foot wear. As part of Health and Safety Regulations children are asked not to wear jewellery during P.E.
ICT Each week we will continue to go into the computer suite to develop and practise our ICT skills. Our focus will be spreadsheets. We will also be looking at using animation to support learning in other curriculum areas.
The Music topics this term will be ‘Performing Together’ and ‘Exploring the musical Process’.
Education in Personal Relationships. The SEAL topics for this term are ‘Making Choices’, ‘Responding to Change’ and ‘Taking Responsibility’. The children will be involved in a range of discussions, role play and activities.
Finally, if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to come and see us.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Pearson and Mrs Clements
Class Teachers