Welcome to Y6!
Over the Autumn Term, these are the subjects we will be studying:
Literacy – Recount writing, letters, newspaper reports, diaries, biographies and narrative writing.
Numeracy –A key focus will be on fractions, decimals, percentages. We will also be solving related word problems involving all 4 rules of number. We will investigate properties of shape and also begin a topic on Data Handling. Please ensure your children have a good working knowledge of multiplication tables and measures
Science – Keeping healthy then the life cycle of a plant.
RE –Over the term our topics are Loving, Vocation and Commitment and Expectations. We will also focus on Judaism for one week. On Wednesday 26 September, we will take part in the annual retreat day for our partnership schools at Notre Dame School. I will send you more details nearer the time.
Topic – Vikings (from Week 4) We will be going to Jorvik on the 4th October. Details to follow.
Art – People in action
ICT – Social networking and multimedia design
PE – Wednesday is Gym/Dance and Thursday is games. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school on these days.
Homework is sent out on a regular basis though there is not a set day for any one subject as there is in other classes. This is to try and encourage children to be more organised prior to starting Secondary School!
I look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need to discuss any issue concerning your child.
Best Wishes,
Mrs Connolly