Year 4 Summer Curriculum

Year 4 Summer Curriculum

Hi All

I hope that you have enjoyed the Easter Break. We have an exciting term ahead with the curriculum being themed around the Olympics and the Ancient Greeks. I have been busy booking three fun trips, but will update seperately once all details are confirmed.

In Literacy – we will be writing instructions linked to D&T making biscuits, we will design a virtual tour of a Greek Tourist site linked to our study of the Ancient Greeks and in ICT use windows MovieMaker to create a virtual tour, after that we will study a variety of Greek Myths and create our own play and story versions and finally up to the June break a humorous look at the Spartans. From June to the summer break, we will look at poetry linked to the Olympics, recounts associated with participation in the Olympics, learn about the battle of Marathon and understand a participant’s perspective and create persuasive texts linked to participation at the Olympics.

Our numeracy curriculum will focus on areas of the curriculum that the children need extra practice/ consolidation on. Our Science topics will include finishing our Rocks and Soils topic with a focus on soils, a climate change module looking at solids, liquids and gases and helping plants grow well – we will have a growbag outside our classroom to monitor carefully. In ICT cross curricular learning will be supported by enhanced skills – the children will follow instructions to download a podcast, they will use Windows Moviemaker to create a virtual tour of a Greek site and will build their own wall to document their history learning. After the June break, we will make short films with some technical support from Mrs Sadler.

As part of our learning about Sustainability – we will look at the importance of recycling, we will finish our study of a famous person in history still focussing on John Lennon and will start a detailed study of the Ancient Greeks which I know that the children will really enjoy. As part of our learning on the Ancient Greeks, we will visit Weston Park Museum during June – details to be confirmed. In Design and Technology we will design and make biscuits, and in the second half of the term we will design and make Moving Toys. Our Art topic is 3-D sculpture culminating in a clay theatre mask, we will visit the Millennium Galleries for a workshop to support our skills in this area. We will also study the work of Pop Artists linked to our John Lennon study. In indoor PE we will be getting ready for the Big Dance later this term, and we will be visiting Don Valley in July to experience a mini Olympics. Music teaching will link to History topics and will also support preparation for the Junior concert on 28th June.

The children’s PE days will continue to be Tuesday and Friday – please ensure that they are equipped for all weathers i.e they have a tracksuit bottom in their PE bags. Can you also ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day, for health reasons we don’t allow them to drink from a communal cup at a water fountain. I have running water in my classroom so it is easy for them to keep hydrated. Any questions/ issues please try and get me ten minutes before school, or straight after – except on a Wednesday which is a staff meeting day.

Kind Regards

Ms Downey




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