I am delighted to announce that next week (commencing Monday 4th February) our class will be beginning to write a story that we may enter into the ‘500 Words 2013’ which is hosted by Radio 2 star Chris Evans! Over the weekend Mr Conway would love it if your children could come up with some inspiration or start planning the story. Only write the plan not the actual story…
Otherwise you could make mistakes!
The prize for first place is Chris Evans height in books as well as 500 books for your school!The competition is open to children aged 13 or under and if you want more information on it go to www.bbc.co.uk/500words .
As well as this some parents will already know about Mrs Mannion’s fabulous idea to encourage boys reading she has started a boys reading club where Mr Conway and a bunch of boys read books! However, Mr Conway would also be grateful if some more parents could come in and read with other children. See or meet Mr Conway to arrange details.
Many kind thanks and regards,
Mr Conway and Orla
PS. Orla thanks for writing this!