Ecclesfield Primary School 28/9/2013
Well done to all those children who took part in the first Cross Country event of the year. All the children deserve great credit for the effort they put in,in particular those who were running for the first time and didn’t know what to expect.
22 children in total across the Y4 ,Y5 and Y6 age groups was a fantastic turnout. They all did really well and there was a great , friendly family atmosphere. The extra training that a lot of the children have had with Mr Evans-Mudie had clearly paid off.
The 6 Y4 girls ( Annie, Esther, Scarlet , Frances, Katy and Aine ) and 2 Y4 boys (Sam and Jem)were running their first ever races and all did particularly well.
The Y5/6 girls ( Maggie, Zena, Miriam, Amelia, Jasmine, Charlotte, Darcey, Ella, Lauren, Emma and |Amelie ) competed fiercely , not only with the other schools but also with each other!
The 3 Y5/6 boys (Ted , Louis and Luca) ran really well in a very competitive race..
We would love to see a few more boys turn up and have some fun. Teams are made up of a minimum of 4 runners. Just a few more boys from both age categories would make a huge difference. The children who turn up have a great time, regardless of what position they finish in.
The next race is on Saturday 19th October at Parkwood Springs , first race 10 am!