Homework 1.2.13

Homework 1.2.13

Maths – We have been learning about money this week, so here are a few games your child may like to do at home. Some of them have levels, so start on the lowest level and allow your child to move through at their pace.  You could also encourage your child to help you  pay for things in the shops.


Literacy – you could support your child in writing a list of all the local things in your area e.g. bank, shop, park etc. This is linked to our Geography topic.

Science – once Spring appears you could help your child to identify the names and colours of different plants and trees. This will support our growing plants topic. The children have planted their own sunflowers and beans, so fingers crossed they grow well!

It is world book week next week, so remember the book fair after school and the dressing up day next Friday. We will also be doing a book swap, so if your child has an old book they would like to swop with a friend for a book they have not read, then they need to bring this to school next week.


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