Homework 11.01.2013

Homework 11.01.2013


this week we have been learning about how Zaccheus changed after meeting Jesus. The children thought of ways in which they can change this term. We wrote the folowing prayer together. Please encourage your child to read the prayer with you.

Forgive me for all my little sins.

For the times that I have been selfish,

For the times that I have been jealous of my friends,

For the times I have been cruel to others,

For not taking care of my pets,

For saying rude words,

For being bad-tempered,

For when I have just thought about myself,

For times when I have told a lie,

For the times when I don’t have good manners at the table,

I am very sorry for my sins.

I will try hard not to do these things again.



I tested the children with the first 100 words this week. Your child will have a list of the words they need to practise. These are the ones highlighted in pink.

In addition, I have sent home a spelling list of words we have been working on in class. When your child can spell all these words correctly please encourage your child to find words with the same spelling pattern.   We have covered these graphemes already last term but the children need further practice.


We have started our topic about Myths and Legends. I would like your child to draw their own  creature and add features to suit its particular strengths eg fire-breathing, can fly. Later on in the topic your child will write their own story with their own beast.


Hope you all have a good weekend.


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