It is our class party on Thursday 19th in the afternoon. The children will have party games in the hall after lunch and then they will return to the classroom to share the party food. We will organise the tables for the party in the morning, but I would be grateful for any volunteers to help to set up the food while we are in the hall. If you are able to help please let me know. If you could arrive at about 1.10 that would allow enough time to set up the food while we are all out of the way.
The children can wear their own clothes for the party day.
The children have made a list of party food they would like and it will be available for you to select from from this Wednesday, to allow you plenty of time to make or purchase what you have chosen from the list.
At the end of the party we will finish with a small concert of Percy Parker times tables for all parents . If you are able to arrive a little bit earlier than, please come into the classroom to join us.