Welcome back to school

Welcome back to school

I hope the children had a lovely holiday and that they were all eager to come back to school.

We have another busy half term ahead with lots of exciting learning opportuities.

Our main topic will be under the heading of ‘Light and colour’ and will involve the children carrying out lots of exploring and investigating. They will be learning about different light sources, how rainbows are formed, whether we need light to see, creating and looking at how shadows are formed and much more.

As well as this, in our history work, the children will be looking at babies and comparing themselves and how they have grown.

In RE our learning will be based around ‘God’s Family’. The children will discuss how we can help others and show them love like God shows us, they will learn that God has given us gifts so that we can show love to others. This will lead to us studying the Christmas story as the term progresses.

We will have lots of opportunities to be creative in the coming weeks. The children will have chance to paint, collage, junk model, print and role play in our new home corner which has changed to a shoe shop for the next few weeks.

We will be continuing to develop their ICT skills with planned sessions using the net books and ICT suite as well as opportunities to use the Bee bots. The children will be introduced to a wider variety of programs as their skills progress.

Our work in Literacy continues this term with the learning of our letters sounds, correct formation of these letters and the blending of these sounds to form simple words. The children will also be encouraged to begin to write , emergently at first, in a range of activities. Stories and story telling will be encouraged and the learning of sight vocabulary and reading skills will be developed.

In our Numeracy the children will continue to count, order, form and experience numbers to 10 and then 20. We will also begin simple addition and subtraction activities. Alongside this the children will explore measuring which links nicely to their play in our role play area of the shoe shop.

As always the children will be taught to respect and value each other and to listen and respond appropriately when in the classroom and around school.

Please be reminded that the children will need to have their PE bags back in school to remain on their peg until the next holidays. Please also check the list outside the classroom to remind yourselves of your child’s reading day. On this day your child will need to bring in their reading sack and their blue reading bag with their reading book and yellow reading dairy in it.

If you have any questions please dont hesitate to catch me at the end of the school day when I will hopefully be able to answer your questions.

I look forward to the coming weeks ahead and thank you for your cooperation and support with your child’s learning.



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