Year 4 Homework and trip reminder

Year 4 Homework and trip reminder

Dear Parents

Just a quick reminder that we are going on an Art trip to Manchester next Monday 28th of January( see parentmail), your child requires a packed lunch, and a mid morning snack. The cost of trip is £8.50, please return payments to Mrs Deforges by Monday 28th January. If your child experiences travel sickness, please let me know so that I can seat them appropriately on the coach. We will return before the end of the day.Mrs McNally, Mr Hogan and Leo’s Grandad are helping on the trip. I will send all children with a template to write about a community that they are involved in, which will form the basis of our Class Assembly next Friday morning at 9.00am. I will be chasing children up for a return as this will form their part in the class assembly. Thank you to all who went that extra mile and made bird feeders. We will be carrying out our bird survey next Wednesday, when the snow will have melted.

Kind Regards

Ms Downey




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